Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time To Get Growing On Spring Lawn Care

According to Nancy Brachey with the Charlotte Observer, mid-February is a great time to start thinking about your lawn. Midwinter lawn renewal is best done between mid-February and early March, just as the fescue lawns begin to emerge from the semidormancy of the coldest weeks of winter. You can do some reseeding and fertilizing this winter which should get the lawn to a good state. You can even work on bare spots to bring them from brown to green. It's better to limit seeding to bare spots and thin areas this time of year. Major reseeding should take place between mid-September and mid-October. If you already have good grass, do these things:
1. Fertilize the lawn no later than mid-March. If you have crabgrass, use preventer by March 20. However, do not put this preventer on parts of the lawn where you sow fresh seed. It will kill the young grass too. 2. Work on the bare spots. Dig them up a few inches, clear out stray weeds, roots & rocks, then sprinkle grass seed on top & tamp it down gently. A thin layer of soil sprinkled on top will help keep the seeds in position. Don't forget to water these spots regularly in absence of rain. 3. Mow your fescue grass at the highest level, about 3 1/2" or so. Fescue is an upright grass that benefits from high mowing, not scalping. Looking forward to seeing your beautiful yards!

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